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TestimonialsI am so very grateful for all you have done for me and given me. Thank you P.C. Senior manager, Canon Europe ____________________________________________________________________ "I have used Erik Robertson as a my personal coach and can recommend that to others which would like to achieve new goals and be better prepared to meet the day to day challenges in business and in your private life. Using Erik I was able to develop as a person and also better prepared for new challenges. Working in a challenging business and marked it was good to have Erik as my personal coach to bounce ideas and get constructing feedback how I should meet the different tasks i was facing. Together with Erik we agreed on a personal development plan which we based our discussion and coaching around. I look back at our session of great value and always appreciated Erik's high integrity. I am really missing the monthly sessions we had when I was based in The Netherlands." Senior manager, Schlumberger. Year first hired: 2,007 (hired more than once) Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity ____________________________________________________________________ Erik, i had spent thousands on A.R Retreats 3 coaching sessions with you, were actually instrumental in changing my life. Thank you! ____________________________________________________________________ I have had the honor to work with Mr. Erik Robertson as a personal life Coach in July of 2016 in order to enlighten a new personal career path. Mr. Robertson utilizes a variety of methods, exercises, dialogue and other forms of support to guide his client, step by step to self-discovery. His holistic approach, techniques and tailor made training lead to fundamental changes and transformation. Mr. Robertson is a highly conscious, wise, intuitive and inspired leader who helps his client(s) to clear obstacles that stand in the way of future goals. He is versatile, on task, thrives on integrity, benevolence and delivers a service of excellence. It is with firm conviction that I highly recommend Mr. Erik Robertson as a life Coach/Facilitator or for any of the services he offers! Altijd het positieve luisterende oor....heldere analyse's en adviezen die overzichtelijk en duidelijk en haalbaar zijn. De rust van Erik zelf en de rust die ik mocht ervaren na een sessie ( i.c.m. het inhoudelijke ) zijn voor mij zeer helend geweest. Kortom een, voor mij, zeer waardevolle Coach! ____________________________________________________________________ Ik heb een aantal sessies gehad bij/met Erik en dit is zo’n iemand waarbij je je meteen op je gemak voelt. Een gevoelsmens met een professionele aanpak. Hij behandelt je middels de therapie die bij je past. Therapie is niet iets wat je voor je lol doet, maar ik kan met alle eerlijkheid zeggen dat ik alle keren met plezier ben gegaan en er als een plezieriger mens ben uitgekomen. Erik, bedankt. |